Unibet has entered into partnership with MMA Viking, the leading online resource for Nordic MMA with more than 50.000 fans visiting the site every month and 5000+ Facebook followers.

The agreements marks Unibets continued engagement in the fastest growing sport in the world, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).
“Unibet has incessantly been supporting the sport across the Nordic region and with MMA continuing to capture the excitement of sports fans worldwide, we are really excited to be teaming up with one of the premier online sources”, says Stefan Pflug, Marketing Coordinator for Unibet Denmark.
The agreement entails a close partnership where Unibet will increase their offers on both Nordic and international martial arts wagering for 2013, while MMA Viking will seek to expand their presence in the Nordics and support the betting segment with editorials and traditional marketing.
“We are excited about the partnership with Unibet. They have been supporting many local MMA events throughout the Nordics, and giving an opportunity for wagering. Unibet is well known, respected, and trusted. This sponsorship will help us better cover events locally, and promote Nordic MMA globally”, says Ryan O’Leary, Founder and Editor of MMA Viking.