Mikkel Parlo (12-2) has been out of the cage with an injury for over a year, but that doesn’t mean that the Dane doesn’t still have big plans. MMAViking.com talks to Parlo about his new book deal with Denmark’s largest publishing house Gyldendal and gets an update on the comeback.

“I’m back to full training, it has been 9 months since the knee surgery.” says the Danish middleweight. “I’m almost ready to fight” cautiously says the 25 year old that won’t step back into the cage until he knows the time is right.
“The book will be about my whole life… and probably include a story or two about me getting in trouble.” – Parlo
Parlo will also be the subject of the first ever MMA book in Danish. “It’s going to half about me and my story, and the other half about MMA and how it all started.”
The book and the return to the cage (likely Bellator) are expected to align together in approximately 5 months.
See the full video interview here.