is live at Södertälje’s AXA Sports Center for Superior Challenge 11. There are 15 fights on the card, and we will have live play-by-play below, plus video interviews and fight photos shortly after.

Prelim Card
David Diaz vs Paul Amelia
Round 1
The evenings first bout starts out a bit slow with a few lowkicks and short combinations being thrown. Both fighters wait for the other one to make the first move until Amelia lands a hard right-hook that sends Diaz to the ground and causing the referee to stop the fight.
Amelia winner by TKO.
Michael Yayo vs Faissal Harrar
Round 1
The first round of this bout also starts out a bit slow until Harrar manages to take Yayo down to the mat and locking in a guillotine, Yayo then makes it out of the lock into Harrars full-guard where he starts working with some punches til the first round ends.
Round 2
The round starts with Yayo controlling the cage until Harrar takes him down and takes a full-mount that Yayo makes it out of fast and ends up in Harrars full-guard, he stays there until the referee makes the fighters stand up. With 10 seconds remaininf of the round Harrar gets dubble under-hooks and take Yayo to the cage but the round ends before he can make something of it.
Round 3
Harrar makes a good takedown on Yayo lands a few punches but Yayo works his way up to his feet but Harrar takes him down again landing with Yayo in his full-guard. Yayo makes it out into Harrars half-guard and starts working some punches to both head and body on Harrar but the time runs out leaving it in the hands of the judges.
Yayo wins the fight by a unanimous decision.
Frantz Slioa vs Nicolas Joannes
This fight has been cancelled due to Slioa being sick.
Jonathan Svensson vs Derek Gauthier
Round 1
Svensson takes command and lands a heavy kick to the body on Gauthiere, but the frenchman makes a good takedown but they get up to standing shortly after. Gauthiere once again makes a good takedown and ends up with him in a side but Svensson gets out and takes the fight back to standing, landing some good punches. He keeps punching but the time stops him from finishing.
Round 2
Gauthiere starts the round with a nice takedown but once again Svensson gets out and stands up. The round then consists of Svensson defending against Gauthieres takedown attempts and exchanging some punches to body and face.
Round 3
The round goes back and forth for some time until Svensson from a full-guard manages to lock in a kimura that Gauthiere rolls out of. The last minute remaining the of the round the fighters stand up with Svensson in command landing some good combos.
Svensson wins the fight by a unanimous decision.
Michel Ersoy vs Martin Fouda
Round 1
The two swedish fighters start out swinging hard but Fouda slips and the fighters end up on the ground for a bit before the referee stands them up. They once again end up on the ground with Fouda on top but Ersoy locks in a good kimura that Fouda escapes from and the time runs out.
Round 2
The second round consists of a lot of waiting from both fighters with some kicks and punches going both ways, the round ends with Fouda taking Ersoy down but time runs out.
Round 3
In the third round Fouda is looking tired while Ersoy keeps up the same pace he’s had in the past two rounds. Half-way into the round Ersoy takes Fouda down and after some time he makes it into a full-mount and from there he takes Foudas back working some punches and looking for the finish. Fouda defends good and the time runs out, leaving it to the judges once again tonight.
Ersoy wins the fight by a unanimous decision.
Fernando Gonzalez vs Roberto Pastuch
Round 1
The first round starts with a lot fists being thrown from both fighters, after that they clich up against the cage and fight for the best position. Gonzalez lands a good takedown and lands some good hits from his top position.
Round 2
This round has more clinch than the first one and thats how it goes, both fighters lands some good hits but they still end up in clinch. Gonzalez once again takes Pastuch down and keeps his top position the round out.
Round 3
This round Gonzalez moves alot more and it pays of in form of in form of some good hits.
Then the fight goes down with Gonzalez in the top position landing some good hits, with 30 seconds left the fight goes up to standing where Gonzalez lands some great knees but the time runs out.
Winner by unanimous decision is Fernando Gonzalez.
Simon Sköld vs Dan Gibbon
Round 1
The first round of the last fight of the undercard starts out with punches and kicks being thrown by both fighters. Sköld lands a takedown but Gibbon gets back up again, Sköld then goes to back and tries with another takedown but this time Gibbons rolls forward landing him with a good chance for a leg lock but Sköld makes it out. Up against the cage Sköld lands a fine knee to the head of Gibbon, following it up with a single leg takedown, but time runs out.
Round 2
The second and last round of this bout goes pretty fast, with Sköld taking command and laning some heavy and good hits. He forces Gibbon back against the cage where he continues punching until the referee stops the fight and making Sköld the winner. Winner by TKO Simon Sköld
Main Card
Abbe Joof vs Mohammed Sayah
Round 1
First round of the first fight on the main card starts of a bit slow but after both fighters lands some hits it really takes of with some nice kicks from Joof, one kick so good that Sayah falls down but manages to defend himself and then the time is up.
Round 2
This round is Joof leading with some good hits and Sayah responding with the same. Sayah makes a good takedown with 2 miutes left and during that time the referee stops them and warns Sayah for headbutting, causing him to loose one point. The fight the starts again but goes down again with Joof in the top position, where he stays the rest of the round
Round 3
Sayah gets a takedown in the beginning but it is still Joof who gets the most out of it, landing a few hits. Sayah then works his way around to a side-control, from there he works his way to the back but Joof manages to escape and that is the end of the fight leaving it to the judges. The judges score the fighters the same making it a draw.
Diego Gonzalez vs Karim Mammar
Round 1
Both fighters go in trying to connect with punches and some lowkicks, Gonzalez then makes a nice takedown giving him a top-position in Mammars half-guard. They get back up where Mammar lands som good kicks and hits before Gonzalez takes him down again.
Round 2
This round starts with Mammar landing a good kick to the side of the body of Gonzalez, giving him a nice mark over the ribs before they end up against the cage, Mammar keeps working with his kicks both high and low but Gonzalez once again gets him up against the cage, trying for a takedown. After some time he gets that takedown landing him on top and in Mammars half-guard. From there Gonzalez works with punches to the face but Mammars looks more bored than bothered by them until time runs out.
Round 3
The last round starts out with more boxing from both fighters but after 2 minutes Mammar lands som nice clean hits that drives Gonzalez back to the cage, where he takes more punches and knees from Mammar but he still stands and gets a takedown. Gonzalez drives Mammar up against the cage where he gets hit with numerous elbows, but he gets a perfect takedown and from that he lock in his guillotine that makes Mammar tap out! The winner by submission (Guillotine-choke) is Diego Gonzalez.
Besam Yousef vs Max Duarte
Round 1
This bout starts out with some punches from both sides and some clinchwork against the cage, then some vicious swings from both guys that sends Yousef to his knees for a short while but he gets back up again. The fight stays up against the cage where they explode into some wild punch and knee exchanges til’ the time runs out.
Round 2
This round also starts with some heavy punches, now it is Duarte who takes the command and really forces Yousef back to the cage landing some really heavy punches. Yousef manages to stay on his feet, gets a takedown and locks in a Darce-choke that forces Duarte to tap out. Winner by submission (Darce-choke) at 1:00, Besam Yousef!
David Bielkheden vs Florent Betorangal
Round 1
The round kicks of with Bielkheden getting a good takedown and working from a good top-position, landing some good, clean elbows to Betorangals face before he can stand up. Bielkheden takes Betorangal down once again and like last time he works from a good top-position, throwing both punches and elbows until the time runs out.
Round 2
Also this round starts with Bielkheden getting his takedown and moving to a top-position but Betorangal gets up and then gets in to the top-position instead, throwing punches and elbows at Bielkheden. After a little while Bielkheden rolls and manages to get into a full mount and gets to do some nice ground’n’pound before Betorangal escapes. But once again Bielkheden gets into full mount and some ground’n’pound, this time Betorangal does’nt get away as easy but finds himself in kneeler. Buster finishes with one second left! Bielkeden wins by submission.
Max Nunes vs Patrick Vallee
Round 1
This bout starts of with some kicking before it goes up against the cage, down to the ground and the back up against the cage. Nunes lands a heavy kick to the side of Vallee and takes him down but Vallee gets back up again and gets a takedown for himself before they end up back up against the cage. The last 15 seconds take place in the centre of the cage where some swings are being made but none of them really connects.
Round 2
Nunes starts with a good takedown but Vallee gets back up against the cage before he is thrown down again. The referee makes them start over on their feet again, only for Nunes to take him down again giving him a top-position that after some time makes the referee make them stand up only for them to end up on the ground again for the last 10 seconds of the round.
Round 3
Last round of the bout starts with them going to the ground and with Nunes going for a side-choke that Vallee defends good from, Nunes then moves into a side-control from where he tries to get a mount but goes back to the side-control. The bout ends with Nunes in a top-position landing some smaller hits on Vallee’s face.
Max Nunes wins by unanimous decision.
Martin Akhtar vs Ed Arthur
Bantamweight title bout
Round 1
The first round of the evenings first titel bout starts with Arthur getting a takedown but Akhtar defends good and manages to stand up and get a nice takedown of his own but Arthur is quick to his feet and takes Akhtar down again. From his side-controll he works around and tries for a guillotine but fails to secure it. The remaining time of the round the two fighters stay on the ground with Arthur on top.
Round 2
The second round goes straight up against the cage with knees going both ways before they go down and start to fight for top-position. Arthur works his way to Akhtars back and tries for the rear-naked-choke, he gives that up after some time and moves on into a full mount and then back to Akhtars back going for the choke again but Akhtar defends it good and stands up. Then Akhtar lands a good swing that sends Arthur to his back, the fight then goes to standing after the referee warns Akhtar for elbows to the back of the head, losing him a lost point. The round ends shortly after that.
Round 3
Early in the third round Arthur gets a takedown and moves to Akhtars back once again landing some punches and trying for the choke. Akhtar makes a good defense, stands up and lands a knee in the forehead of Arthur before Arthur takes him down again. On the ground they roll around fighting for the best position, a struggle that Arthur wins but the time runs out.
The winner by decision and bantamweight champion is Ed Arthur.
Joachim Hansen vs Diego Nunes
Featherweight title bout
Round 1
The last bout and also titlebout is to a wild start, fast punches and hard knees fly between the two fighters before Hansen ends up on his back. Hansen quickly makes it to his feet but is taken down once again, this time Nunes manages to land some punches before Hansen makes it out and to his feet before taking Nunes down. From his side-control Hansen has a good control and and with the norwegian fans chanting he goes for the full mount. Nunes defends good against it and the time runs out.
Round 2
Directly Nunes lands some heavy kicks to the body of Hansen and takes him down but Hansen almost manages to lock in a good leg-triangle but Nunes escapes from the choke. The two fighters stand up and at this time Nunes lands heavy and clean left-hook, knocking Hansen out and makes him the new featherweight champion of Superior. Winner by KO at 1:51 and new featherweight champion is Diego Nunes!