The MMA organization International Ring Fight Arena (IRFA) has released some information regarding their fourth event that is to take place in Solnahallen in Stockholm, Sweden. The event will take place on March 9th and will be an all MMA show. A step “forward” since all of their previous events have had mie disciplines in them. Notable fighters such as now retired Jörgen Kruth and Malmös Martin Akhtar have both made appearances at previous IRFA events.

The event will take place in IRFAs cage that has a diameter of 9m, and some of the fighters that are set to step in to the cage on March 9th are Simon Sköld, Oliver Enkamp, Mauro Salomao, Carlos Prada, Mohammad Babadivand and Lina Eklund. None of these fighters have gotten an opponent assigned to them yet. One talent to keep your eyes on for this event is Allstars Gyms Oliver Enkamp who will be making his pro-debut. Oliver won the swedish amateur MMA championship last year and has a background in striking.
IRFAs founder Perry Segerqvist is also looking forward to the organizations first all MMA event:
“IRFA started to promote swedish fighters against fighters around the world in in the Boxing ring, now IRFA takes the next step. IRFA vill now make the fights in a cage and will also have a collaboration with the great MMA organisation from Poland , KSW. 9 of March you can expect fantastic fights, lots of people and spectacular fighter entrances.”
Tickets are on sale and cost between, 320sek-534sek. The event will be aired on TV4 Sport, and also live on IRFAs web page.