Guram Kutateladze (14-3) was victorious over Jordan Vucenic (13-3) at the Etihad Arena at the UFC Abu Dhabi event. Read the live play-by-play of the action below.

Both fighters come out a bit reserved. Vucenic in his UFC debut switching stance, and lands some quick left hands. Guram mixing in kicks, but the speed looks to be in favor of the debuting fighter. Good right hand from Vucenic, and he is the first to start landing. Vucenic lands again! The “Georgian Viking” is dropped, and fighting to stay in this fight as Vucenic pounces on top. Less than 2 minutes left. Guram is bloodied. This was a clear round for Jordan.

Kutateladze’s corner wants him to land first. The fighter from Georgia is in on a deep take-down, and the Englishman nicely rolls through to escape. IN the tie, Guram lands a crushing right elbow for his first good shot of the fight. Vucenic ties up and fighting for a take-down, but both ore stuck against the cage. The Allstars fighter landing some knees on the inside. Elbow from Guram starts blood streaming down Vucenic’s face.

A clash of heads stops the action. Less than 30 seconds left and Guram in on a take-down, and he finishes this time! Strong close to the second round, and that should even it at one round each.

Good right hand lands for Guram to start the 3rd, and Vucenic goes for a take-down to stop the damage. Guram pops up to his feet! Vucenic nearly finishes on a take-down and jumps way too high on Guram’s back. Kutateladze lets him fall of the top and now on top! Landing some good shots on top. Now it is the Stockholm based fighter that is too high, but unbelievably scrambles to stay on back and stretch out his opponent!

Guram keeps back! Just punishing short shots all the way to the bell! I have this one for Kutateladze!

And it is official. Winner by decision 29-28, 29-28, and 29-28 is Guram Kutateladze.