talks with Dane Anna Elmose (3-0) who recently set the MMA world on fire with her devastating right hand KO of Mara Rombero Borella. As part of the ongoing video interview series “Fika Time” program sponsored by (use ‘viking’ code for 15% off of the best coffee you have ever tasted), we learn more about the undefeated fighter.

“Just a right hand and the Internet exploded” jokes Panda that is dealing with over 1,000 new Facebook friend requests after her video appeared on every prominent MMA website and forum. “It’s easier to knockout people when they want to fight you” jokes the Rumble Sports fighter, that also has a 19 second KO in her pro debut, and explains what happened in her second bout with an opponent that didn’t want to be another KO’d victim.

The 30 year old talks about how she got into the sport. “I’m still a newcomer and have a lot to learn” says Elmose that is ready to take a step in in competition. “I think that one of my next fights might be in Invicta or the UFC” says the up and coming prospect.

Check out the full episode here!

Video Interview