Cage 46 goes down today in Helsinki. MMA Viking is cageside to report live on the event co-headlined by Finn Aleksi Mäntykivi (11-5-0) and Brazilian Guilherme Cadena (25-16-0) and headlined by Finn Edward Walls (8-2-0) and Denis Silva from Brazil (12-3-0). Get your live results here.

Ville Mankinen (0-1-0) from Finland vs. Sten Saaremae (3-1-0) from Estonia
Round 1 – Sten using a nice set of combinations to impress early. Crisp boxing, ending with a kick. But Ville lands a power shot and wobly legs for the Estonian. A left hook and flying knee for the Finn that is looking for the finish. Sten goes for a take-down, but defended well. It stays on the feet and a right kick to the face from Saarmae. Sten tries again to get the fight to the ground, but can’t. Back to the feet and Sten with a barrage of punches and tries to end it with a knee to the face, but just misses. What a round! Still one minute left, and the two are still looking for a power shot to secure the round. A real close, action-packed round.
Round 2 – Really impressed with Sten’s standup and variety of attacks. The two tie-up, and Sten pushes Ville against the cage. Sten attacks low and high to get the fight to the ground, and he finally gets it to the mat. The Estonian tries to land a few punches, and a nice upkick from the Finn.
Round 3 – Sten has a cut under his left eye. Saaremae secures a takedown early on the round. Mankinen is looking for a kimura from the bottom and uses the threat of a submission to get up from the ground. Mankinen wrestles Saaremae against the cage and lands a knee to the mid section. Both fighters seem to be exhausted and Mankinen secures a takedown and takes the back of Saaremae, but Saaremae get’s back on his feet. Fighters are trading takedowns, Saaremae lands a takedown this time and takes the back of Mankinen. Saaremae is slowly working towards a rear naked choke as there’s 20 seconds left on the clock! Fight ends with Saaremae in control. Very close and a tough fight.
Result: Sten Saaremae (4-1-0) wins via unanimous decision.

Tuomas Gronvall (2-1-1) from Finland vs. Renato Vidovic (0-0-0) from Sweden
Round 1 – Fighters touch gloves and Vidovic lands a sharp leg kick. Gronvall is stalking Vidovic, but Vidovic is throwing sharp punches to meet the defence of Gronvall. Gronvall lands a smooth takedown, Vidovic starts throwing elbows from the bottom immediately. Gronvall moves to a half-guard as the fight has turned to a straight grappling match. Strength difference is showing as Gronvall moves to a side control, but Vidovic explodes back to his feet! Gronvall lands another takedown at the end of the first round, and moves to the mount. Vidovic turns the corner and moves on top of Gronvall and lands a powerful punch right at the last seconds of the round.
Round 2 – Vidovic starts the round in control and lands a tough right hook and immediately starts throwing hooks and sprawls as Gronvall shoots for a takedown. Fighters are wrestling against the cage and Vidovic is throwing elbows to the head of Gronvall. The fighters break and Vidovic throws a knee and a three punch combo and shoots for a takedown, but Gronvall counters and sinks in a tough guillotine and forces Vidovic to tap out! Looks like Vidovic hurt his shoulder or collarbone in his pro debut.
Result: Tuomas Gronvall (3-1-1) wins via guillotine at 1:45 of the second round.

Jesse Urholin (2-0-0) from Finland vs. Vojtech Garba (5-2-0) from Czech Republic
Round 1 – A classic grappler vs. striker match up, let’s go! Garba starts the fight with a snappy jab and Urholin secures double underhooks and powers to a takedown and moves directly to a half-guard. Urholin starts to isolate the right arm of Garba and lands a punch! Urholin’s top game forces Garba to actively defend. Urholin starts to land ground-and-pound punches and elbows. Urholin is moving from punching to isolating that right arm. Urholin moves to a mount and Garba turns to his back and moves to Urholin’s guard, but Urholin has a triangle sunk in and Garba is forced to tap out.
Result: Jesse Urholin (3-0-0) wins via triangle choke at 4:02 of the first round.

I took too many punches standing up, I had to take him to the ground. Thank you to the atleast fifty fans that came here from my hometown to support me fight.
Jesse Urholin
Aleksi Savolainen (6-4-0) from Finland vs. Roman Dik (7-3-0) from Czech Republic
Round 1 – Fight starts with both fighters trying to land punches, Dik finds an opening to land a jab. Dik lands a one two and stuns Savolainen! Savolainen returns with a takedown. Two minutes left on the first round and fighters are landing punches, Savolainen from the top. Savolainen tries to stand up and Dik attacks with a straight armbar which is tight! Somehow Savolainen escapes, but finds himself immediately in a triangle choke from Dik. Savolainen escapes yet another submission and is back on top. Dik looks to attack the arm again, but is unsuccessful. Bell ends the round as Savolainen found himself in a triangle attack again. An active round for sure. Replay showed that Savolainen might have tapped out, but the ref didn’t see it.
Round 2 – Fighters go 0 to 100 instantly, Savolainen tries to throw Dik but Dik counters and lands on the mount of Savolainen. Dik is throwing ground and pound and Savolainen is forced to cover up. Dik slows the fight down and attacks with a side choke, Savolainen defends. Dik is landing elbows, Savolainen is covering up and the referee jumps in and stops the fight!
Result: Roman Dik (8-3-0) wins via TKO at 2:06 on the second round.

Suvi Salmimies (10-5-1) from Finland vs. Karoline Martins (5-2-0) from Brazil
Round 1 – It’s the birthday of Karoline Martins. Salmimies is looking to clinch and Martins lands a couple punches. Salmimies wrestles Martins against the cage and starts landing knees on the legs and mid section of Martins. Karoline Martins returns the favor with a couple knees of her own. Clinching is broken and Martins is looking to land a few hooks, Salmimies counters and goes for a single leg takedown but is unsuccessful with the takedown. Salmimies shoots for another takedown from quite far and lands it! Fight is taken to the ground. Martins might be looking for an armbar as she isolates the right arm of Salmimies. Suvi Salmimies stands up and lands punches on Martins. Round comes to an end as Salmimies lands punches from top.
Round 2 – Salmimies starts the fight with a one-two and Martins lands a hard leg kick. Martins counters with a left hook as Salmimies throws a leg kick. Martins moves forward with punched and Salmimies shoots and secures a takedown. Salmimies moves to side control and starts landing punches and elbows, Salmimies moves to the crucifix position. Punches are reigning down and the referee warns Martins to defend intelligently. Salmimies is landing light punches, but landing a lot. Martins escapes the position, but Salmimies stops the movement and takes the back mount of Martins. Round ends with Salmimies on top.
Round 3 – Leg kicks from both fighters start the last round. Martins and a powerful leg kick and almost lands a knee. Salmimies returns with a one-two combo. Martins is starting to land and Suvi returns once again with a one-two combo. Martins lands a right straight and Salmimies shoots for a takedown and Martins jumps to a guillotine. Martins keeps squeezing and Salmimies is unconscious! A surprising end to the fight!
Result: Karoline Martins (6-2-0) wins via guillotine at 2:04 on the third round!

Olli Santalahti (8-3-0) from Finland vs. Rafael da Silva Cordeiro (8-2-0) from Brazil
Round 1 – Cordeiro missed the weight limit by 800 grams. Let’s see how he has recovered from the tough weight cut. No time to touch the gloves, both fighters are throwing punches and kicks! Santalahti shoots for a takedown and secures it! Cordeiro tries to explode back up, but Santalahti is having none of it. Santalahti moves to the half-guard on right side of Cordeiro and lands a hard punch! Fighters are flowing on the ground and Cordeiro turns, Santalahti takes the back and looks for a rear naked choke. Cordeiro is defending and Santalahti switches to throwing punches. Santalahti locks in a body triangle and is clearly looking for an opening for a rear naked choke. Cordeiro turns to the guard of Santalahti, let’s see if he tries to stand up. Santalahti actually pushes Cordeiro off and fighters stand up. Round ends with both fighters once again trading punches. An exciting round!

Round 2 – Cordeiro starts the fight with a body shot. Santalahti shoots, but Cordeiro sprawls and defends. Santalahti shoots again, but Cordeiro is defending easily and another one. That’s already three defended takedowns for Cordeiro after a minute of the second round. Cordeiro lands a knee and a left hook. Santalahti shoots for a double leg takedown and this time he secures it! Fight slowed down significantly as Santalahti is on top on the guard of Cordeiro. Santalahti is working the body of Cordeiro. Santalahti stands up and loads a bomb of a shot! Second round ends. Both fighters are clearly exhausted.
Round 3 – Third round stars with Cordeiro’s body shot and Santalahti returns with right straight. Cordeiro throws a punch and a kick, Santalahti sees an opportunity for a takedown and secures it. Fighters are grappling on the ground against the cage. Santalahti might be looking for a side choke. Santalahti stands up and passes to side control and is smothering Cordeiro. Cordeiro tries to explode, but Santalahti forces Cordeiro to give his back and we’re in a familiar position. Santalahti is looking for a rear naked choke. This one goes the distance, Santalahti screams his lungs out. Clearly an exhausting fight for both of the fighters.
Result: Olli Santalahti (9-3-0) wins via unanimous decision.

I was very anxious for this fight. Thanks to my team for this victory. Cordeiro was tenacious and had a good ground game. Thanks to the fans! Here we go again!
Olli Santalahti
Aleksi Mäntykivi (11-5-0) from Finland vs. Guilherme Cadena (25-16-0) from Brazil
Round 1 – The Hurricane of Violence returns to Cage for a one-off fight! Touch of gloves and here we go. Both fighters start throwing kicks. Cadena pushes forward with punches and looks to take Mäntykivi down. Mäntykivi counters and lands on top of Cadena and Cadena pushes Mäntykivi away. Fighters end up clinching and the fight moves to the ground with Mäntykivi on top. Cadena is turning and might be looking for an armbar or a triangle choke. Mäntykivi creates some space and lands an elbow. What an intense pace so far, halfway of the first round. Mäntykivi lands a few more elbows and Cadena is turning to an armbar, Mäntykivi defends. Cadena is flowing in his guard smoothly, clearly a black belt in BJJ. Cadena attacks with another armbar and it’s almost locked in! Mäntykivi stacks on top of Cadena and is defending! Thirty seconds left and Mäntykivi stands up and Cadena attacks immediately with a flurry of punches. Mäntykivi lands a tough right straight and throws a headkick that is blocked by Cadena right at the end of the first round.
Result: Aleksi Mäntykivi (12-5-0) wins via TKO (leg kick) on the second round.

Cadena fought as I thought he would. He was aggressive on the first round and landed a few good shots.
Aleksi Mäntykivi
Edward Walls (8-2-0) from Finland vs. Denis Silva from Brazil (12-3-0)
Round 1 – Main event time! What a night it has been. Touch of gloves and Walls takes the center of the cage. Walls has a significant reach advantage and lands a fast jab. Walls is changing levels and teasing with the jab. Silva is moving backwards and is clearly trying to find a way around the reach of Walls. Silva attacks with a two punch combo, but Walls moves away from danger. Silva throws a haymaker and barely misses, but lands the next combo first to the body and then to the head. Walls throws a one two combo and Silva almost lands a fight ending punch. Walls lands a left uppercut that seems to wake Silva. Silva throws a huge punch and Walls parries it away. The fighters clinch against the cage and Silva is looking to take Walls to the ground. Twenty seconds left and Silva turns Walls and takes him to the ground, Walls stands back up and Silva takes Walls down again. Round comes to an end. A very close round.
Round 2 – Round starts with identical look as the first round. Walls lands a quick leg kick. And another one. Next kick Walls tries to the head, but Silva blocks it. Now Walls is landing leg kicks on the brazilian’s lead leg. A sharp jab from Walls stops the movement of Silva. Walls is opening up as he throws a spinning back kick on the mid section of Silva. The reach advantage is clearly causing issues for Silva as he is not landing his shots. Walls is circling and Silva is stalking and forcing Walls against the cage. Walls continues to work the lead leg of Silva. Silva surely has tremendous pressure on his side as he is forcing Walls against the cage constantly. Fourty seconds left and fighters are clinching and trading punches, Silva secures another takedown at the end of the round and was working towards an armbar but the round ends before Walls was in any danger.
Round 3 – A hug starts the last round of the evening. Silva lands a jab and Walls returns the favour with a straight. Both fighters try to land lead leg head kicks. Walls almost lands a front kick and as Silva is moving forward, Walls lands a quick counter that stuns Silva. Silva does not seem to mind and is pressuring Walls once again. Silva lands a right straight as Walls seem to slow down a bit. Mid point of the round. Walls’s corner is creaming for him to move away from the cage, but Silva stalks Walls and does not give him any space. Silva shoots and lifts Walls and slams him to the ground. Walls is wall walking and Silva jumps on Edward’s back. Silva has a deep back mount and Walls is in trouble. One minute left in the fight and Silva is slowing the pace down and looking for a submission. Silva is throwing punches and is controlling Walls against the cage. Ten seconds left! Fight comes to the end with Silva punching.
Did Walls do enough to secure a win in his first main event slot? Or did Silva impress the judges with his ground game?
Result: Denis Silva (13-3-0) wins via split decision. (29-28 Silva, 29-28 Walls, 29-28 Silva)