Swede Karl Albrektsson (5-0) will fight in the first round of the Rizin open-weight grand prix. The Swede will take on another undefeated fighter in Russian Valentin Moldavsky at the Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan.


The fight will have two five minute rounds with a possible third if the first two are to close to determine a winner.

Round 1
The round starts with both fighters trying to find eachothers rythm and throwing some combos to get a feel for timing and distance. Moldavsky closes in and initiates a clinch against the ropes, he has double underhooks but Karl is working and landing knees with his back against the corner. Not much action and the refs pull them apart. Albrektsson with a jab head kick combo that gets blocked. Albrektsson starts taking the center and finding his rythm and landing shots. Moldavsky tries to counter but has a hard time. Albrektsson keeps the pressure on Moldavsky. The fighters clinch once more and Moldavsky takes the King down, but only briefly as Karl works his way up and lands a strong knee in the clinch

Round 2
Karl starting out more aggressive in round 2. Commentators feel he’s behind on the score cards, but as far as damage I consider it close, possible advantage Karl. Clinch has been Moldavskys stroing point thus far but he’s not doing much with it. Moldavsky clinches more and breaks with a hard left that hits flush! Albrektsson keeps moving forward though but Molodavsky counters and drops the King with a straight left. Albrektsson recovers and tries to work the butterfly guard and sweeps. 2 minutes left so Karl needs to make something happen now to get ahead on the scorecards. Karl tries to get up and is successful but the Russian takes him down again with 70 seconds left. Moldavsky has heavy pressure on top but is not doing damage. Karl tries again to get up but the Russian takes him down again. Karl looking for a kimura underneath in half guard but is forced to let go. He then tries for the guillotine but it isn’t tight and the round ends. Possible third round coming up, but Moldavsky might have stolen this with the knockdown.

We have a decison, unanimous decision victory for Valentin Moldavsky.
