Finn Mikael Silander (12-3) will go for his fifth straight win at Absolute Championship Berkut (ACB) 20. Hulk will face Velimurad Alhasov in this bout, who has a record of 2 wins and 0 losses.

Silander is the first to walk into the cage, and comes out to Ready or Not, Here I Come.
Round 1 : Silander working for submission for most of the end of the first, guillotine, then rearnaked choke.
Round 2 : The finn gets a nice takedown and looks to work for arm triangle on top. The two get back to the feet with under two minutes left and the pace is picking up.
Round 3 : Silander with back early in the round, and looking for rear-naked choke, but gets reversed. The Hulk working off his back, but taking some punches. Grinding fight and Alhasov looking to punish with his grinding style. Silander working for a reverse as he grabs a single leg.
The Finn on top with the reverse, and just over one minute left. The fight goes to the feet with a standup call with 30 seconds to go, and Alhasov is going for broke with big punches, but Silander meets him in the middle. Nice throw for Alhasov that puts Silander on his back to end the fight.
Looks like the Finn should be getting the nod here with the victory, but they award the decision to Alhasov.

Winner : Silander loses a decision.